Go to: Dark Age of Camelot Downloads, and choose the first option for the full game client. Open DAoCSetup.exe once it has finished downloading. Click Next, read and comply with the License Agreement. Uncheck the option to make a game account, and click Finish. Navigate to your desktop and click on the 'Dark Age of Camelot' shortcut. Browse Dark Age of Camelot addons to download customizations including maps, skins, sounds, sprays and models. To get the latest click 'Clone or download' and choose 'Download Zip' or click here. Unzip the file and copy the 'custom' directory to the games UI directory. This typically means copying 'custom' to 'C: Program Files (x86) Electronic Arts Dark Age of Camelot ui' Choosing Options.
Uthgard requires a special launcher that is different from what most other DAoC freeshards use. Don't worry though, we tried keeping it as simple as possible:
- Install necessary dependencies for the Uthgard Launcher:
- Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 for x86 (the 64-bit version will not work since DAoC is 32-bit
- Go to the Manage Account page.
- In the 'How to Connect' tab on the bottom, click the Download Launcher button, and run the installer.
- Start uthgard.exe once (or use the shortcut on your desktop)
- Choose the directory where your fresh install of DAoC is located, and select camelot.exe
- (Optional) Go to Edit, Preferences, and select Full Classic for the best experience.
- (Optional) In order to turn classic player models on, you'll have to do that from the character selection screen inside the game.
- Click the 'Play!' button in the top right of the main page to start the game.
- Seeing an issue? Have a look at the trouble-shooting section below.
Can I still connect with the Dawn of Light portal?
- DAoC User Interface Editor This version is old and doesn’t work well with today’s DAOC, but you may be able to find a newer version by searching for daoced.zip in Google This page was first published on or before December 17, 2013, last revised on September 3, 2020, and last republished on September 3, 2020.
- The software is periodically scanned by our antivirus system. We also encourage you to check the files with your own antivirus before launching the installation. The download version of Dark Age of Camelot is The package you are about to download is authentic and was not repacked or modified in any way by us.
No, we do not recommend doing this. Using DAoC Portal might prevent you from connecting when dolserver.net is having an outage, which has happened rather frequently in the past.
I'm getting this error: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: '!!0[] System.Array.Empty()'
Dark Age Of Camelot Ui Downloads
This error means you do not have the .NET Framework 4.6 installed, which is required to use the launcher. You can find it here: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
I'm getting this error: api-ms-win-core-file-12-1-0.dll is missing
You need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 for x86 to play on Uthgard.
I'm getting this error: Patch 1.65 injection failed
You need to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6. You may be able to download it with your Windows Updater, or you can otherwise find it here: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
You will also need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 for x86.
If you still keep seeing this issue, try disabling your anti-virus temporarily
Can I use the Uthgard Launcher with Windows XP?
No. Windows XP has been deprecated, and should no longer be used since it represents a security risk. Please update your OS if you want to play on Uthgard. You need to be able to run Microsoft .NET 4.6, and your operating system must support TLS 1.2.
According to the Steam Software Survey, only about 2% of remaining gamers use Windows XP, which is a marginal group we can no longer support.
Dark Age Of Camelot Ui Downloads Online
Help, the 'Play!' button does not work!
Try re-installing the Uthgard Launcher using a freshly downloaded setup first.
In order to be able to use the play button on the main page, you need to start uthgard.exe once manually to perform the necessary setup.
Dark Age Of Camelot Release Date
Some browsers will ask you if you want to launch an external application when clicking the button. For the launcher to work, you will have to select 'yes' if asked.
If issues persist, try following more in-depth steps listed at the bottom here.
When I run the launcher I get some other error!
You probably need to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6. You may be able to download it with your Windows Updater, or you can otherwise find it here: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
If you are still receiving errors, try installing the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 for x86.
My anti-virus software thinks Uthgard.exe is a threat.
It's not, but you will probably have to white-list Uthgard.exe with whatever anti-virus program you use. The launcher starts the DAoC game client via memory patching, which is considered malicious by a few anti-virus programs.
Dark Age Of Camelot Online
Home›General Boardedited December 2018 in General Board
I just started to play daoc and right after i logged in, i realized i cant play with that ui. I am a bit older and my eyes arent the best. So i logged of, took an custom ui, which was better, but still to small.
So i decided to take an custom ui and started to resize the stuff and modded what i dont like to something i like.
The first result is now done. Since i didnt play daoc, i couldnt test some stuff like .. cough.. grouping (i never really left mag mell).. or RVR.. It should work, the windows do atleast, but i really could need some feedback on that ui.
The first draft can be downloaded here : http://throal.de/temp/tubben_10b1.zip
Just RENAME your custom folder to something else and copy the custom folder in that zip into your ui folder. If you dont like what you see, delete my ui and just rename your own custom ui back to 'custom'.
I also upscaled the maps to 512*512 for the maps in villages and stuff and 1024*1024 for the zone maps.
Some things CANT be done. The inventory is hardcoded, the locations of the keeps, towers and stuff in the rvr zones are hardcoded. I can upscale rvr maps but the keeps/towers wont be at the correct locations. I cant do anything about the inventory - hardcoded is hardcoded. The Devs need to change that.
Some other stuff is hardcoded also, if you open the social window you will see listviews. I can change the font, but i cant change the size of the tabs - if i upscale the fonts letters will be cut off. There are some other issues also, regarding fonts and how they are displayed (that drove me nuts...)
Anyway, if you want, please test that ui and give some feedback, please
Best Regards,
edit: Most of the time, while i am online, you can reach me on discord https://discord.gg/wM6JGy in the general channel.
Dark Age Of Camelot Free
Actually i would love to have a smaller realm warmap and group map.
Warmap is hardcoded - not the map itself, but the positions of keeps/towers.
I dont know what you mean with groupmap.
edited December 2018PM
I updated to b2, several changes - mostly offset corrections.
b2 comes with smaller maps (512*512 px). You can download the larger mappack, if you want even larger maps.
UI : http://throal.de/temp/tubben_10b2.zip
512px Maps: http://throal.de/temp/maps_512.zip
1024px Maps : http://throal.de/temp/maps_1024.zip
Still need some feedback :-)
Can you post pics of your ui with bigger/smaller maps?
Just some options.
Edit dont know why he dont show the pictures..
I would love a UI that scales to 4k or higher based on someones Resolution.
Beta 3
- reworked interface options window
- removed 'more Options' window
- Changed Realm Bonus Window
- several offset corrections.
UI : http://throal.de/temp/tubben_10b3.zip
512px Maps: http://throal.de/temp/maps_512.zip
1024px Maps : http://throal.de/temp/maps_1024.zip
you only need an mappack if you want the larger maps. The 512 px maps are included.
Still need some feedback :-)
Beta 4
- several offset corrections.
- fixed some oversized fonts.
UI : http://throal.de/temp/tubben_10b4.zip
512px Maps: http://throal.de/temp/maps_512.zip
1024px Maps : http://throal.de/temp/maps_1024.zip
You only need an mappack if you want the larger maps. The 512 px maps are included.
I am more or less done now. I still not started to play daoc, played now for like 5 hours, and spent around 150 into the UI ;.-) Well it's some kind of game for me also. But i dont know alot of things about most parts of DAOC, so there will be probably some stuff still not correct.
Still need some feedback :-)
edited January 2019PM
Is there a way to get the new icons? Been using them for 4-5 years and have no idea what these icons are
Other than that it looks really good!
edited January 2019PM
Is there a way to get the new icons? Been using them for 4-5 years and have no idea what these icons are
Other than that it looks really good!
Thanks for the answer.
Please download http://throal.de/temp/new_icons.zip and copy the content into your ui folder (the icons have to be in your uicustom folder.
New icons: http://throal.de/temp/new_icons.zip
Old icons: http://throal.de/temp/old_icons.zip
Grouped for the first time yesterday. Finaly some chance to check the groupwindows. They seem to be correct.
orginal size: http://throal.de/temp/groupwindows.png
Updated to b5:
- several offset changes.
- clicking on the power/endu numbers in the floating groupwindow will stick to your target. You can only issue one command so you have to target that groupmember before.
- Changed Market Explorer window.
- Fixed Warmap (Agramon->Ellan Vannin)
- Replaced Frontier Map
512px maps and old icons are included. If you want the new icons or 1024px maps, you need to download them seperate and copy them over.
1.0b5 : http://tubben.synology.me:5000/sharing/tZosy1vcY
Maps 512: http://tubben.synology.me:5000/sharing/cxLYT8HwP
Maps 1024: http://tubben.synology.me:5000/sharing/VlK054yOW
New icons: http://tubben.synology.me:5000/sharing/oJnNgqpj2
Old Icons: http://tubben.synology.me:5000/sharing/30G4iKTGS
D.O.G / Sad Panda
TwitchYoutube Mixer
Thanks @Auf_Nymf
Updated to b5:
- several offset changes.
- clicking on the power/endu numbers in the floating groupwindow will stick to your target. You can only issue one command so you have to target that groupmember before.
- Changed Market Explorer window.
- Fixed Warmap (Agramon->Ellan Vannin)
- Replaced Frontier Map
512px maps and old icons are included. If you want the new icons or 1024px maps, you need to download them seperate and copy them over.
1.0b5 : http://throal.de/temp/tubben_10b5.zip
Maps 512: http://throal.de/temp/maps_512.zip
Maps 1024: http://throal.de/temp/maps_1024.zip
New icons: http://throal.de/temp/new_icons.zip
Old Icons: http://throal.de/temp/old_icons.zip
And this time i tested the links
Best regards, and thanks again,
Tubben <Federation of Hibernia>
edited January 2019PM
Updated to b7:
- internal
1.0 b7
- Fixed teleports to relic towns.
512px maps and old icons are included. If you want the new icons or 1024px maps, you need to download them seperate and copy them over.
1.0b7 : http://throal.de/temp/tubben_10b7.zip
Maps 512: http://throal.de/temp/maps_512.zip
Maps 1024: http://throal.de/temp/maps_1024.zip
New icons: http://throal.de/temp/new_icons.zip
Old Icons: http://throal.de/temp/old_icons.zip
Best regards,
Tubben <Federation of Hibernia>
my biggest problem with playing at 2560*1440 is icon size tbh, i would love to have double sized icons on qbars and buffs.
also being able to move the buffs i have on me to more center screen would be nice
Vicomtessa Muylasav, wildly swinging arms around. Vicomte Muylock, calling curses on enemies. Lord Muylaetrix, calling upon winter storms. some other chars with names starting with Muyl.
my biggest problem with playing at 2560*1440 is icon size tbh, i would love to have double sized icons on qbars and buffs.
also being able to move the buffs i have on me to more center screen would be nice
It's hardcoded. I cant change the size of the qbars. I cant change position of buffs. There is to much stuff hardcoded. Several windows, qbars, buffs position. I can change the icons, but not the size or position.
1.0 b8
- Fixed teleports to Ellan (again)
512px maps and old icons are included. If you want the new icons or 1024px maps, you need to download them seperate and copy them over.
1.0b8 : http://throal.de/temp/tubben_10b8.zip
Maps 512: http://throal.de/temp/maps_512.zip
Maps 1024: http://throal.de/temp/maps_1024.zip
New icons: http://throal.de/temp/new_icons.zip
Old Icons: http://throal.de/temp/old_icons.zip
Best regards,
Tubben <Federation of Hibernia>
1.0 b8
- Fixed teleports to Ellan (again)
512px maps and old icons are included. If you want the new icons or 1024px maps, you need to download them seperate and copy them over.
1.0b8 : http://tubben.selfip.net/temp/tubben_10b8.zip
Maps 512:http://tubben.selfip.net/temp/maps_512.zip
Maps 1024: http://tubben.selfip.net/temp/maps_1024.zip
New icons: http://tubben.selfip.net/temp/new_icons.zip
Old Icons: http://tubben.selfip.net/temp/old_icons.zip
Best regards,
Tubben <Federation of Hibernia>
Where do you copy the files for the new maps
I need to try this. I've just resubbed today and I can't see anything.
1.0 b9
- Fixed several offsets in the map - player location should be correct now.
- Fixed several small display errors in the UI.
- Added region names on the EV Map.
512px maps and old icons are included. If you want the new icons or 1024px maps, you need to download them seperate and copy them over.
1.0b9 : http://tubben.selfip.net/temp/tubben_10b9.zip
Maps 512:http://tubben.selfip.net/temp/maps_512.zip
Maps 1024: http://tubben.selfip.net/temp/maps_1024.zip
New icons: http://tubben.selfip.net/temp/new_icons.zip
Old Icons: http://tubben.selfip.net/temp/old_icons.zip
Best regards,
Tubben <Federation of Hibernia>
Tubben <Fifty Shades of Slay>
Tubben <Casting Couch>