This is a mod for the game Jade Empire that offers over 20 new styles to players, changes the rules to give the game more variety and adds numerous techniques, gems and other goodies.
Jade Empire Martial Styles And Meanings. Of all fighting styles can be the Legendary Strike style arranged. The best point about this design is usually that it is. Only by mastering the greatest fighting styles and defeating the most powerful enemies will you earn your place as a master of martial arts in the world of the Jade Empire. At the beginning of the game, the player is a young martial artist just beginning to explore the world. This mod adds over 20 new styles to Jade Empire, modifies many existing ones and adds numerous techniques, gems and other goodies. This mod includes many other Jade Empire mods and adds many times more content of its own. It has turned into a complete overhaul of Jade Empire.
The mod is available in an English and a German version. This site is English-only, though. (Tut mir leid!)
In vanilla Jade Empire you are rather limited in your combat options. Partly because you cannot acquire most of the game's combat styles and partly because you can only level a fraction of the styles you do acquire. There are a number of mods out there, that attempt to change that by making more styles available. Unfortunately they are all incompatible. And so 'Jade Empire in Style' started out as my personal compilation of these other mods. While I made those other mods play nice with each other, I figured out a lot about the game myself and eventually this became a mod in its own right. Pretty much every style Jade Empire knows is available to the player now. And then some...
I can say without the slightest bit of exaggeration that this is the largest mod for Jade Empire. In fact, it's many times larger than all other mods combined. This mod has gone beyond a few minor changes here and there. It has turned into a total overhaul.
Let's start with the basic changes: You can learn new styles from the enemies who use them. Simple as that. Well, almost as simple. Whether you do or do not get the chance to learn a new style, depends on how well you hold your own. Or to be more specific: how much damage you allow those enemies to do to you. If you emerge out of combat unscathed, your chances to learn from your opponent are 100%. If you only get a few bruises your chances are still pretty high. But the more damage you take, the smaller they become...
But what good are more styles, if you cannot level more of them? So I also added a new mechanism for upgrading styles. In vanilla Jade Empire you get the required style points for free. Not so in my mod. In my mod you have to fight not only for new styles, but also for the points to level them. The same principle as previously applies: How well you stand your ground, decides how many points you will get. If you offer yourself as a punching bag to your opponents, you won't get a lot more points than in vanilla Jade Empire. But there's a substantial number of points to collect in my mod - if you play the game well...
Did I just make it sound like this is some sort of hardcore mod? It's not. Not really. My aim was to add more flavor, more color and ultimately more replayability. That is all.
The basic ideas are layed out in more detail - and illustrated with a number of video clips - on the Concepts page. If this intro has raised more questions than it answered, I suggest you start there. I've also created a page for each and every of the new styles. Some of the old styles were heavily modified. Those are featured here as well. Every style is illustrated with a video. All in all there's over an hour of video scattered around this site. Oh, and there's lots of new stuff other than styles! There are new Gem Armors... There are Specializations... And so on...
Or just continue on to the download... Either way: Enjoy!
This mod is still quite young and a bit wet around the ears. There may still be bugs. There may still be typos. There may still be areas in need of polishing. And it isn't entirely finished. Certain features are still disabled, because they do not work as well as I would like, yet. So expect to see one or two updates per month! You can bookmark this page and check back for new versions, if you like. But it's probably more convenient to subscribe to the update notifications.
You can download the latest version at the Mod DB.
Your ideas, suggestions, bug reports and whatever else you like to discuss about this mod are very welcome. Please post them in the forum!
The old forum at is now locked, I'm afraid. Your old posts are still there, but you won't be able to add new ones. The old forum was seriously lacking in features and had a few rather annoying bugs. So I decided to move the forum to the Mod DB instead. Regardless of location: I will read everything you post!
If you would like to be notified of new versions of my mod, you can subscribe to the update notifications. You can expect one or two releases/mails per month. If you'd like to move on to another game, you can, of course, unsubscribe at any time with the second of the two forms.
I will not use your email address for anything other than update notifications. I will not share it with anybody. And if you choose to unsubscribe, your address will be deleted permanently.
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The feature list of this release is rather small. I have more new stuff in the pipeline, but since I've gotten an astonishing number of bug reports over the last release - some of them severe - I figured it's better to postpone the new stuff, rather than the next release. So this is mainly a maintenance release.
The console no longer requires that you equip the Hummingbird Gem. You can talk to the animals at any time now.
Since vanilla Jade Empire does not feature a single animal anymore once you've left chapter three behind, I also added a bunch of new beasts to pretty much all of the later levels.
The only other new feature are improvements to the Heart of Darkness gem armor. Until now all enemies who hit you with either a martial or a weapon style lost a small amount of their Chi and Focus to you. This version of my mod also adds the contact attacks of support styles to that list. In addition it modifies the amount of Chi and Focus this armor leeches. Previously it was a fixed amount, now the amount depends on your level and your alignment. The more Closed Fist you are, the more this armor will reward you.
The biggest addition of this version is the new cheat console. I'm not going to list all of its functions here, since it has its own page. Hopefully it will make the use of the savegame editor and other cheating tools unnecessary. Those tools do not set certain variables on which my mod relies and as a consequence may cause the game to behave quirky or even crash.
Other Changes:
There is a rather annoying bug - not only in the previous but all past versions of my mod so far: A lot of the important files for the new Transformations were missing. I did get several bug reports concerning the Transformations, but I never could make heads or tails of them. Everything worked fine on my machine. The files were there. They have been all along. They just never made their way into the download. Crap.
There's an extremely stupid bug in the previous release. Specializations were not applied to styles you learned, while you were specialized. Not sure how I could have missed that, but I did. Now, when the time comes to undo the specialization - when you unequip the gem or switch specializations - my routines will dutifully remove the bonusses and malusses that were never applied in the first place. Depending on which it was - bonus or malus - this would leave you with an either completely overpowered or a thoroughly crippled style. If that happened to you, I recommend to 'reset' the style. The only way to reset a style, is to remove it entirely and add it anew. Unfortunately there's no way to programmatically detect if a style was learned while you were specialized or not. That means this will require some doing on your part as well. I will upload a set of reset scripts this weekend. Instructions will be included. You might also be able to do this with a SaveGame Editor, but I haven't tested that.
It probably goes without saying, but with all the changes this mod makes, it's very unlikely to work with any of your existing savegames. So, please, start a new campaign! If you have a previous version of this mod installed, you will be able to use the old savegames after the update. You might not be able to see all the changes, though. Certain changes to combat styles e.g. will not be visible, if your character has already learned the style. Changes to merchants' inventories will not show, if you use a savegame that was made in the same area or at any point after that area was visited for the first time. Etc. None of these issues will prevent you from finishing the game, however.
Using a savegame editor seems to break the mod on occasion and cause the game to crash or behave erratic. You're better off not using one. If you absolutely must cheat, I suggest using the in-game cheat console.
There is no convenient way to make Jade Empire mods compatible with each other. That's especially true for this mod since it manipulates more than half of the 2DAs, a bunch of crucial DLGs and most of the SAVs. It's highly unlikely to coexist peacefully with any other mod out there. That being said... Most other Jade Empire mods out there, do what this mod does: They make new styles available. In that sense it is fair to say that each and every one of them is included. There's no need for you to install any one of them.
The Gay Kissing Mod and the Lesbian Threesome Mod are included as well. I even fixed some of their bugs.
Mods that reskin characters should be compatible with this one. Mods that swap PC models or party member models against other ones are not. The next version of this mod will feature convenient ways to reskin and swap models, so in the close future those mods should not be needed anymore.
These mods are not included and incompatible:
If there's interest to use any of them, let me know in the forum, please.
The first building blocks of this mod where Sekan's Moonlight & Elephant Demon mod and Caramelboy's Leopard Fist mod. I learned a lot from both. Later I integrated the four new/reconstructed styles that Lothario created: Divine Void, Black Mantis, Seven Thunders and Willow. My mod also contains Radish's Gay Kissing mod and Tupac Amaru's Lesbian Threesome mod. While it may seem, that these two are in no way related to my mod, they are on a technical level. They modified a number of the same files, that I modified as well. Editing these two mods out, whould be too much of a hassle.
A very special thanks goes to the makers of the various tools without which this mod would not have been impossible. They all can be found in the modding thread at the Lucasforums.
My bread-and-butter tools were nwnnsscomp (the script compiler), JEFindRes (a search utility for almost all of the game's resources), K-GFF (an editor for creatures, areas, triggers and a number of other things), TalkEd (editor for the dialog.tlk) and of course JE DLG Editor for editing dialogs (DLG files)
That same thread contains a whole bunch of very useful tips and hints by a number of contributors, that everyone who wants to mod this game, should take a look at!
And a big thanks to papagamer for providing all the 2das in human-readable and -editable format. That was a big timesaver. An even bigger timesaver was Maian Leafblade's 2da research. Unfortunately that link is currently dead. If or when Bioware's old site will be online again, is unknown. If nothing changes I will try to make his findings available here...
The bulk of this mod is scripting, however. My scripting knowledge dates back to the Neverwinter Nights days. So it's rather old. If there's somebody I should thank for getting me started, I honestly can't remember. Sorry, about that!
Since I released this mod, I've gotten quite a number of very helpful bug reports and useful suggestions how to improve it. I can't mention all of you individually here, but let me especially thank Matthew Suter who tested my mod quite relentlessly since its first release and helped me ferret out some of the nastier bugs. He also gave me some very good ideas. Thank you very much, Mat!
I used to recommend Bioware's own Jade Empire web site as a general intro to the game. Unfortunately that site is currently offline. It was the victim of a hacking attempt. Whether that site will ever come back online is unknown at this point. I suspect that maintenance of the old site has stopped quite some time ago and that the hack was the result of that. In other words: The site may be gone for good.
Instead I recommend Jade Empire's wikipedia page as a general intro to the game. I also collected a bunch of nice clips in my YouTube channel. And last not least there's a very nice (if a bit lengthy) feature at Giant Bomb.
A very detailed walkthrough can be found at
The site you're reading features only what was added or modified. If you find yourself wondering about any of the other styles (or anything else Jade-Empire-related) you should take a look at the Jade Empire Wiki.
The official Jade Empire forums are a good place to start, if you want to discuss the game with others. If you want to discuss this mod you should - I'm tempted to say 'must' - use the forum at the Mod DB instead.
As mentinoned in the Credits, there's a thread at that lists all the modding tools. There's a whole lot of modding advice in the remainder of that thread.
Falls Ihr Euch noch überlegt, ob Ihr das Spiel kaufen wollt, oder nicht, findet Ihr in der Kritiken, Screenshots und allerhand andere handfeste Infos.
And make sure to also check out this mod's page at the Mod Db! Aside from the new forums, you'll find some additional features, videos and screnshots there...
I will also post all future news over at the Mod DB!